Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Be a home owner today in Orleans.

Did you know that there is over 15 condos in Orleans listed under 200k right now. You could own your every own 2 bed, 2 bath condo for around 1000$ a month (mortgage payment, condo fees and taxes) with 5% down. Ask me today!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Be careful when buying a new home or condo!!!

There is nothing more exciting than shopping for a new home or condo. Floor plan selections, color selections and personalizing your unit is all apart of the experience of buying pre-construction. Sometimes it can be a daunting task and seem a bit overwhelming especially if your doing this for the first time.

Something to remember when visiting these lavish show homes is that most of these places are usually fully upgraded and sometimes cost more than $50,000 than the indicated price on the price list in the luxurious package given to you. It is important to ask the sales person what is standard and upgraded in the model that you are viewing.

When you get into that affordable luxury [segment], people don’t want death by 1,000 cuts,” says David McComb, president of Edenshaw Homes “They don’t want to walk in and see a beautiful display suite, only to find out in order to get to that level they have to spend another $150,000. We try to show exactly what they’re getting [so they] know when they look at the sticker price that value is in the number.”

Our new projects are now offering fully upgraded units for a very low price with specifications that include granite or quartz counter tops, hardwood throughout, 39'-42' inch kitchen cabinets as well as integrated appliances of up to a value of $18,000.

These are substantial savings because you want all these upgrades done before moving in so it saves you from doing renovations, which could add additional costs such as labour and taxes.
Call me today to find out which projects are available with all these great upgrades already included in the purchase price.